You'll see a small pathway near the bottom that's lined with an old ruined wall, which leads behind the waterfall to the Shrine itself.

Stand on the eastern side of the waterfall, and then paraglide down staying on that side. Once you're high enough, keep heading north-east until you reach lake with two small rock formations in it, just above a large waterfall. We recommend having the Climbing Gear and maybe a stamina-boosting meal to help you out - or just a large pool of stamina. To get there, you'll need to do a bit of climbing, starting by gliding north-east from Faron Tower and climbing the nearby cliff. The Shoda Sah shrine is located within the Faron region, specifically hidden behind a waterfall in the northernmost of the lakes in the watery area just north-east of Faron Tower. If you need help finding and solving other Shrines, our Zelda: Breath of the Wild Shrine of Trials locations page can help, while our Zelda: Breath of the Wild walkthrough and guide covers other aspects of the game. Get it right, and you'll walk out a success. The challenge inside, named the Impeccable Timing trial, is a puzzle that has you fire spheres into two moving holes, past obstacles along the way. Shoda Sah is one of the many Shrines located throughout Zelda: Breath of the Wild.